Collection Methods

These MongoDB collection methods are made available if you need to test or run any method without hooks or Monastery argument/return processing.

These methods can be accessed via model._*.


All methods return a promise.



Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the collection. Arguments:

  1. Pipeline (array)
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users.aggregate([
    { $project : { author : 1, tags : 1 }},
    { $unwind : "$tags" },
    { $group : { _id : { tags : "$tags" }}}


Perform a bulkWrite operation without a fluent API. Arguments:

  1. Operations (array) - Bulk operations to perform
  2. [Options] (object)

Legal operation types are:

  await users._bulkWrite([
    { insertOne: { document: { a: 1 } } },
    { updateOne: { filter: {a:2}, update: {$set: {a:2}}, upsert:true } },
    { updateMany: { filter: {a:2}, update: {$set: {a:2}}, upsert:true } },
    { deleteOne: { filter: {c:1} } },
    { deleteMany: { filter: {c:1} } },
    { replaceOne: { filter: {c:3}, replacement: {c:4}, upsert:true}}


Returns the count of documents that would match a find() query. The method uses collection.countDocuments() in the mongo driver. Arguments:

  1. [Filter] (string|objectId|object)
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users._count({ name: 'foo' })
  await users._count('id') // a bit useless but consistent with the rest of the API
  await users._count()

If you need to get a fast order of magnitude of the count of all documents in your collection, you can use the estimate option.

  await users._count({}, { estimate: true }) // Filter is ignored


Creates an index on the db and collection collection. Arguments:

  1. IndexSpec (string|array|object) - The field name or index specification to create an index for
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users.createIndex({ a: 1, b: -1 });
  // Alternate syntax for { c: 1, d: -1 } that ensures order of indexes
  await users.createIndex([ [c, 1], [d, -1] ]);
  // Equivalent to { e: 1 }
  await users.createIndex('e');
  // Equivalent to { f: 1, g: 1 }
  await users.createIndex(['f', 'g'])
  // Equivalent to { h: 1, i: -1 }
  await users.createIndex([ { h: 1 }, { i: -1 } ]);
  // Equivalent to { j: 1, k: -1, l: 2d }
  await users.createIndex(['j', ['k', -1], { l: '2d' }])


Creates multiple indexes in the collection. Arguments:

  1. IndexSpec *(array)*- The field names or index specifications to create an indexes for
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users.createIndexes([
    // Simple index on field fizz
    { key: { fizz: 1 } }
    // wildcard index
    { key: { '$**': 1 } },
    // named index on darmok and jalad
    { key: { darmok: 1, jalad: -1 } name: 'tanagra' }


Returns a list of distinct values for the given key across a collection. Arguments:

  1. Key (string)
  2. [Filter] (string|objectId|object)
  3. [Options] (object)
  await users._distinct('name')


Drops the entire collection. Arguments: None

  await users._drop()


Drops an index on the collection. Arguments:

  1. IndexName (string)
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users._dropIndex('name')
  await users._dropIndex('name.last')


Drops all indexes from the collection. Arguments: None

  await users._dropIndexes()


Finds documents in the collection. Arguments:

  1. [Filter] (string|objectId|object)
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users._find()
  await users._find({ name: 'John' })
  await users._find({}, { projection: { name: 1 } }) // only the name field will be selected
  await users._find({}, { rawCursor: true }) // returns raw mongo cursor
  await users._find({}, { 
    stream: ((doc, { close, pause, resume }) => {
      // the users are streaming here
      // call `close()` to stop the stream


Fetches the first document that matches the filter. Arguments:

  1. [Filter] (string|objectId|object)
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users._findOne({ name: 'John' })
  await users._findOne({}, { projection: { name: 1 } }) // only the name field will be selected


Find a document and delete it in one atomic operation. Requires a write lock for the duration of the operation. Arguments:

  1. [Filter] (string|objectId|object)
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users._findOneAndDelete({ name: 'John' })


Find a document and update it in one atomic operation. Requires a write lock for the duration of the operation. Arguments:

  1. Filter (string|objectId|object)
  2. Update (object)
  3. [Options] (object)
  await users._findOneAndUpdate({ name: 'John' }, { $set: { age: 30 } })


Retrieves this collections index info. Argument(s):

  1. [Options] (object)
  await users._indexInformation()


Lists all indexes on the collection. Argument(s):

  1. [Options] (object)
  await users._indexes()


Inserts one or more documents into the collection. Arguments:

  1. Doc (object|array) - one or many documents
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users._insert({ name: 'John', age: 30 })
  await users._insert([{ name: 'John', age: 30 }, { name: 'Bill', age: 32 }])


Removes one or more document(s) from the collection. Arguments:

  1. Filter (string|objectId|object)
  2. [Options] (object)
  await users._remove({ name: 'John' })


Returns statistics about the collection. Arguments:

  1. [Options] (object)
  await users._stats()


Updates one or more document(s) from the collection. Arguments:

  1. Filter (string|objectId|object)
  2. Update (object)
  3. [Options] (object)
  await users._update({ name: 'John' }, { $set: { age: 30 } })