
Validate a model and calls the model hook: beforeValidate


data (object)

[options] (object)

  • [skipValidation] (string|array\/boolean): skip validation for thse field name(s), or true for all fields
  • [blacklist] (array|string|false): augment the model’s blacklist. false will remove all blacklisting
  • [project] (string|array|object): project these fields, ignores blacklisting
  • [timestamps] (boolean): whether createdAt and updatedAt are inserted, or updatedAt is updated, depending on the update value. Defaults to the manager.timestamps value
  • [update] (boolean): If true, required rules will be skipped, defaults to false


A promise


// Initalise a model
db.model('user', {
  fields: {
    name: { type: 'string' },
    address: { city: { type: 'string', minLength: 10 } }

await db.user.validate({
  name: 'Martin Luther',
  unknownField: 'Some data'
// { name: "Martin Luther" }

await db.user.validate({
  name: 'Martin Luther'
  address: { city: 'Eisleben' }
// Error [{
//   detail: "Value needs to be at least 10 characters long.",
//   status: "400",
//   title: "",
//   meta: {
//     field: "city",
//     model: "user",
//     rule: "minLength"
//   }
// }]


Depending on the update option, you can augment the model’s insertBL or updateBL by passing a custom blacklist:

// Prevents `name` and `pets.$.name` (array) from being returned.
user.validate({}, { blacklist: ['name', ''] })
// You can also whitelist any blacklisted fields found in insertBL/updateBL
user.validate({}, { blacklist: ['-name', '-pet'] })