
Creates a new manager instance and makes the first instance available globally via the db.


uri (string|array): A mongo connection string URI. Replica sets can be an array or comma separated.

[options] (object):

  • [defaultObjects=false] (boolean): when inserting, undefined embedded documents and arrays are defined.
  • [logLevel=2] (number): 1=errors, 2=warnings, 3=info. You can also use the debug environment variable DEBUG=monastery:info.
  • [noDefaults] (boolean|string|array): after find operations, don’t add defaults for any matching paths, e.g. [‘’]. You can override this per operation.
  • [nullObjects=false] (boolean): embedded documents and arrays can be set to null or an empty string (which gets converted to null). You can override this per field via nullObject: true.
  • [promise=false] (boolean): return a promise instead of the manager instance.
  • [timestamps=true] (boolean): whether to use createdAt and updatedAt, this can be overridden per operation.
  • [useMilliseconds=false] (boolean): by default the createdAt and updatedAt fields that get created automatically use unix timestamps in seconds, set this to true to use milliseconds instead.
  • mongo options


A new manager instance.


import db from 'monastery'

// this manager instance is now available via the `db` object on subsequent imports
const manager = db.manager('localhost/mydb', options)
// replica set
const manager = db.manager('localhost/mydb,')
// you can wait for the connection (which is not required before calling methods)
const manager = await db.manager('localhost/mydb,', { promise: true })

You can also listen for errors or successful connection using these hooks

manager.onOpen((manager) => {
  // manager.client is connected...
manager.onError((err) => {
  // connection error


  • manager.db: Raw Mongo db instance
  • manager.client: Raw Mongo client instance, which you can use to create transactions.


  •<String|ObjectId>): Create or convert a valid MongoDB ObjectId string into an ObjectId
  • manager.isId(String|ObjectId): Checks if the passed variable is a valid MongoDB ObjectId or ObjectId string
  • manager.model(): see model
  • manager.models(): see models
  • manager.onError(Function): Catches connection errors
  • manager.onOpen(Function): Triggers on successful connection
  • manager.getSignedUrl(path, expires, bucket): You can sign AWS S3 paths using this image plugin helper


Dates are unix timestamps in seconds, you change this to milliseconds via the manager configurations. We hope to support other string based timestamp variations soon..

Table of contents